About Us

Meet the team

  • We are a small group of volunteers dedicated to helping our local
    community and making the world a better place.
  • We don’t get paid for what we do. So, although we do our best to
    check our site’s links and resources, they can sometimes be outdated. If you notice something doesn’t look right, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us And let us know.
  • Or if you can spare the time, join us and help out! Even just half an
    hour a week, or an hour a month, would be a great help.
  •  (At this stage we are just looking for you to donate your time! Coming
    Soon: a way to donate money to help us keep this going.)

Our mission

  • We wanted to create a curated, reliable, toolkit that empowers everyone to build a thriving, prosperous future for us all. This is the first step. We hope it helps.
  • Want to learn how to build a strong local community? It’s in here.
  • Want tools? Here’s where you get them.
  • Have a look, and tell us what you think

There are lots of problems in the world.
Global heating
Climate change
Many of these problems will need MANY people to pull
together to fix them!

There are lots of people already trying to help.

They know what needs to be done, and they’re getting on with
But they need help too!
Some of them need money.
Others need volunteers.
Others need expert advice.
There are lots of others who’d like to help.
But they don’t know how!
Or they don’t know where to start.

Local problems

Local people who need help

Local solutions

Local people who need help